Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Lucy makes some friends

Lucy seems to be more comfortable with us and has shown more energy and excitement since her first day with us. When we get home after work, she greets us excitedly, jumping around and playing. One night she even gave me a series of barks because she got so excited, which is definitely abnormal for her, since it was the first time we heard her make a sound.

Lucy has not made too many friends yet, but did encounter a gaggle of cats. On one of our walks, we took Lucy to a neighboring apartment complex and something suddenly caught Lucy's attention. Turns out it was a cat on a parked car. As we approached it, Lucy wanted to play, but it ran off in a hurry. Lucy ran after it, straining against the leash and led us to another half dozen stray cats. They kept their distance as Lucy carefully walked around them, spending the next half hour trying to play with them. As we followed Lucy around, more and more cats appeared, and at one point we turned around and found another dozen cats following us! When we felt like we had just stepped into a scene from the Twilight Zone, we finally decided to drag Lucy away, at one point we were surrounded by almost 20 cats! But if Lucy had it her way, we would have been there all night.

This weekend we brought Lucy with us to a friends bbq. In usual fashion, she was excited to go on a car ride, then fell asleep as soon as we started driving. On arrival, everyone fell in love with Lucy, including my friends dog, Chaaya. However, the first few hours of Chaaya and Lucy meeting turned out to be more aggressive than expected. With Chaaya nagging Lucy to play, Lucy spent a great deal of effort ignoring Chaaya. After some aggressive barking and an almost fight, we were worried that Lucy doesn't work well with other dogs. We kept the two apart for the rest of the night and to our surprise, when everyone else had left and we were getting ready to leave, Lucy and Chaaya suddenly started playing! We were so thrilled and are hoping this wasn't just a one time good encounter.

Yesterday we discovered just how good of a dog and housebroken Lucy is. We decided to cord proof and chew proof a bedroom and left her in there with a few toys for the day instead of her crate. We got home later than expected, thinking she may have had a potty accident and/or chewed on the desk. But when we got home, we were so happy to see that the only thing she managed to find and chew on was an old ink pen!

Lucy's a great dog, not to mention a cuddle bug. If given the chance, she'll come lay on her back right next to you and just beg to be petted. You couldn't ask for a better dog!


  1. sometimes takes dogs a little while to warm up together and if there were alot of people/commotion ath the bbq, the dogs were prob overexcited/agitated already which might be why there was growling during the party but they played nicely after everyone had gone home.

  2. Lucy was an absolute doll! We had so much fun playing with her. Nice video :). Hope to see her again soon!

    And that is really funny about the cats. Wonder why they all come to her like that? Let us know if that happens again, I'm curious now!


  3. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
