Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Curious Lucy!

Lucy has got to be the most curious dog ever. We walked her down to the pet store and what should've been a 10 minute walk, turned into a 2 hour excursion. If there was something to be sniffed, Lucy sniffed it. If there was something to look at, Lucy stared it down. And if there was a nook or cranny for her to crawl through, Lucy tried to crawl through it!

We weren't at the pet store more than 10 minutes before she found the rescue cats up for adoption. Separated by glass, Lucy spent the majority of her time at the store watching the cats do their thing.

After a few more toy purchases (another attempt at distracting her from cords), we headed home when she "did her business" for the second time in the day...we were so thrilled as she'd only been going once a day, making us think that maybe something could be wrong.

Once at home, Lucy immediately ran to her favorite spot -- the closet. We coaxed her out with her new rubber toy, but it wasn't long before she she ran back to the closet and this time crawled under the lowest shelf. We're beginning to think she likes dark, enclosed spaces. If she's not in the closet, she's in her kennel, under the coffee table or trying to get under the futon.

As we experienced another casualty with yet another cord, she finally ran into her kennel and for the rest of the night, is laying peacefully with her new toy.

1 comment:

  1. Lucy seems like such a fun girl! They all love those rubber toys. Chaaya I'm sure will have fun meeting her on Sunday :).

